Monday, 16 April 2012

CyberKnife – New Hope for Cancer Treatment

What is CyberKnife? 

Cyberknife Robotic Radiosurgery is for the treatment of both cancerous and non – cancerous tumours anywhere in the body. The advantage of CyberKnife treatment is it provides a pain – free, non – surgical option for patients who have inoperable or surgically complex tumours, or previously thought untreatable.

Clinically Proven

The CyberKnife System is a frameless precise robotic system based on radiation therapy technology proven for over 30 years. Thousands of patients have received CyberKnife treatment throughout the world and many clinical studies with the CyberKnife have been published in medical journals.

What Can Be Treated By CyberKnife?

The CyberKnife Robotic Radiosurgery System can treat both cancerous and non – cancerous tumours anywhere in the body such as :
1. Head                4. Prostate
2. Spine               5. Liver
3. Lung                 6.Pancreas

Will I see immediate results after treatment? 

The results of CyberKnife treatment  is not immediate. The primary objective of CyberKnife treatment is to control the growth of the tumour. The effect can be seen over a period of few weeks to few months. Depending on the nature of the tumour, some tumours may disappear while others may diminish in size.

Will there be side- effects after treatment? 

CyberKnife treatment is very accurate and precisely targeting only at the tumour. As a result, patients generally will experience very little or no side effects as normal cells are not affected.

Treatment options decided by you, advised by our experts

Only an experienced CyberKnife clinical specialist can offer good advice and discuss treatment options with you and your loved ones. You can consult any of our CyberKnife clinical specialists.

CyberKnife is one of the best devices for several reasons :

1. No anaesthesia is administered during the procedure.
2. No incisions for surgery.
3. Majority of individuals are able to resume their current daily activities almost immediately after the procedure.
4. Able to treat tumours not only for the head, but also the whole body.
5. No head frame is needed unlike some radiosurgery that requires rigid head – frame.
6. Sophisticated tracking software, thus patient can breathe normally and more comfortably.
7. Ability to treat tumours at pin – point accuracy, thus sparing surrounding healthy tissue.


1. Treatment Set – Up

·         Patient is required to do some scans.
·         A soft mask/body cradle is custom – made for each patient.
·         Some patient (body treatment) may require placement of fiducials (gold seeds) usually a day before the CT scan. This will enable the CyberKnife system to track the tumour position during the treatment.
·         Patient undergoing CT and/or MRI scans is required to fast at least for 4 hours prior to the scan.
·         After the scans, the patient can go home or if necessary be admitted for observation.
·         Entire process will take approximately 1 – 2 hours.

2. Treatment planning

·         The CyberKnife team which consists of relevant specialists and medical physicists will generate a treatment plan for the patient.
·         Depending on the complexity of the case, the process of planning takes between 2 – 16 hours.

3. Treatment day 

·         Patient is advised to wear comfortable clothing and remove all jewellery.
·         Patient will be asked to lie down, relax and wear comfortable custom – fit mask/body cradle. Normally no sedation/ anaesthesia is required as the treatment is painless. The whole process will take approximately 30 – 60 minutes and patient can go home or if necessary be admitted for observation upon completing the prodecure.

·         If the treatment prescription is for staged (fractionated) radiosurgery, the patient will return on subsequent days and the treatment is repeated. 

4. Treatment Follow Up

·         Once the whole radiosurgery treatment is completed, patient needs to do a CT/MRI scan within 2 – 6 months time.
·         Your doctor will explain the procedure at the end of the treatment to you.

For further information:  send email to or call 017 6728689

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